Community Strong


Archery Doesn’t Discriminate.

It is a universal sport. Meaning, it doesn’t favor race, sex, age, color, creed, physical ability, or inability.

Archers USA Foundation is committed to encouraging archers to grow beyond their initial education of archery as it helps to build self-esteem, confidence, and sportsmanship through organized teams. 

We also encourage archers to pursue hunting which in turn supports state conservation, supports local archery businesses, and supports communities.

If you’re interested in getting Varsity Archery in your school, please feel free to reach out to us. Our partners have generously provided funding for schools to implement advanced archery into their curriculum.


Currently, Archers USA Foundation has implemented a pilot program with North Dakota, Oklahoma, Arizona, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Just recently adding on the states of Kansas and Montana. With ten schools in each state (with the exception of Oklahoma sporting 59 schools) we are equipping with advanced archery equipment from Archers USA to help in the training process. By the end of the school year (where applicable), archers will have learned how to shoot a bow, receive their state’s hunter ed card, and be able to go on a mentored hunt. 

If you’re interested in getting Varsity Archery in your state, please feel free to reach out to us. Our partners have generously provided funding for schools in your state to implement advanced archery into their program.

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